Earth Day


The History Behind Earth Day
On April 22, 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed a national environmental education forum that would raise climate concerns to the public eye. Denis Hayes, an environmental activist appointed as the national coordinator for this event, brought together 20 million Americans to protest environmental ignorance.

This day would come to be known as Earth Day. In 1990, Denis Hayes spread Earth Day globally and has since organized multiple events in over 100 countries. This year marks the 51st anniversary. This event has helped push positive changes such as the formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Paris Agreement signed by over 120 countries in 2016 to slow the effects of climate change.

Why Plastic Bags?
Did you know that in the U.S. alone, over 100 billion plastic bags are used in a year? Plastic has already polluted our food chain and is slowly being spread due to bio-accumulation. This craft aims to divert some of that waste by making sturdy woven bags and mats in less than ten simple steps.